Following the last ODHacks we’ve gathered your feedback and believe that a few guidelines and what to expect can be helpful! So let’s dive in. These guidelines are for both contributors & project leads so please have a thorough look.

<aside> 🤗 Project leads, you will also find additional guidelines at the bottom.


Before the ODHack begins

Contributors, make sure that you sign up on OnlyDust if you haven’t already done so and then register over here.

Signing up on OnlyDust is important because this is where rewards will be sent and where we can also contact you if needed 😉.


The ODHack will last ~ ten days: from June 20th to June 30th.

The first few days is when you need to be available and reactive to get issues assigned and ready to tackle! Contributors: make sure that within the first two days, keep the community up to date with where you are at with the task. If there is no news from you, project leads are free to re-assign tasks.

Contributors: Note that we highly recommend that you comment on the issue by introducing yourself and how you plan on tackling the issue! Just saying you want an issue is not helpful. This will help with assigning tasks, especially if many comment. Share your profile link too.

All tasks are to be finalized by the tenth day. Exceptionally this falls on a Saturday, so you have till Sunday to finish it all.

Project leads, feel free to review tasks during these ten days, merge if eligible and you can have two days afterwards to finalize any pending issues (as in July 1st & July 2nd).


Eligible contributions during the ODHack will be rewarded! Each project will manage their own rewards. You will also be able to get merch along with your eligible contribution 😉.

Project leads, we leave you to decide how best to reward the eligible contributions. This can be as small as the equivalent to $80 for a small task to much higher. We recommend $200 to $500 per day of work, adjusted by the quality of the work. Note that it can also be much higher if you deem it important.


Join our telegram group to stay up to date with current info! Each project will also have their own Telegram group that you can equally join and connect with others. Don’t be shy, introduce yourself, let us know where you’re from and what you aim to do. We’re keen to get to know you and help wherever possible.